
Efforts underway to completely dismantle trestle bridge

The contractor of Sina-Male' Bridge, CCCC Second Harbour Engineering Company, has stated all the decks and platforms of the trestle bridge placed for the bridge construction have been completely dismantled.

Responding to media questions regarding the largest infrastructure constructed in Maldives, Deputy Manager of the China-based company Wang Chao stated all the subsequent demolition tasks are planned and scheduled upon the approval by the government of Maldives, adding the process is conducted according to the schedule.

In this regard, Wang Chao noted at present, there are a total of 61 trestle steel pipe piles between pier number five to pier number nine that have not been demolished yet, noting it is required to occupy a bridge lane for the demolition. He revealed the contractor is still waiting for the approval from relevant authorities in Maldives to close the lane.

Highlighting it is very difficult to remove the steel pipe piles, Wang Chao expressed the contractor is waiting for suitable sea conditions for the operation of the floating crane barge for the removal of the 37 steel pipe piles. Moreover, regarding the construction waste on the seabed, he reiterated it is a common situation that exists in offshore construction operations.

However, Wang Chao said many measures were taken during the construction process, even though it is still difficult to avoid the falling of partial building materials in some construction processes since the bridge structure is complicated and the operation process is frequently changed, in addition to the rough sea conditions.

Sina-Male' Bridge designed and constructed to cater to the service life of 100 years will be maintained and managed by the contractor for a period of two years.