
President calls on to stop toying with the emotions and expectations of the community

President Abdulla Yameen Abdul Gayoom has called on all politicians to refrain from toying with the emotions and the expectations of the community. President Abdulla Yameen made the remark while speaking at the function held to mark the completion of the road development project and inauguration of the housing project in Villingili in Gaafu Alifu Atoll.
While addressing the gathering the president stated that it was not appropriate to make excuses for unmet commitments by blaming them on changing circumstances. Highlighting the importance of delivering on community requirements, the president highlighted some milestones the administration has successfully achieved.
President Yameen spoke about some of the administration's plans for the next presidential term. Likewise the president stated that the administration would further develop the tourism sector through increased beds and resorts; which will further empower the youth. Concluding the speech President Yameen noted the importance of the vote. He highlighted that it was the right of every individual and that he would work to ensure this right to everyone citizen.
During his visit to Villingili, President Yameen marked the completion of the road development project and inaugurated the housing project in the island. During the ceremony, the president unveiled the monuments placed to mark the completion of the road development project and inaugurate the housing project in Villingili.